The OMG mark, UML, is a trademark of Object Management Group, Inc.
These are links to the current proposals for UML 2.0.
communityUML home page
U2P UML 2 Partners
2U Unambiguous UML
3C Clear, Clean, Concise UML
F1 Fujitsu
DSTC Distributed System Technology Center
These are links to web sites
U2P UML 2 Partners
2U Unambiguous UML
3C Clear, Clean, Concise UML
DSTC Distributed System Technology Center
F1 Fujitsu
OPM Object Process Methodology
Links for MOF proposals
Links for OCL proposals <to come>
mark, UML, is a trademark of
Object Management Group, Inc. (OMG).
is a name used to identify a public process in which members of the OMG prepare
submissions to the OMG technology adoption process. It
is not a trademark or service mark. It is not
the name or mark of any good or service. It
is not the name of a modeling language nor of a modeling language standard.
During development of this web site, please send
comments to Joaquin Miller.
Copyright © 2000 Financial Systems Architects